

Rocketing across the cosmos, an infinite number of times faster than the speed of light, there are billions of vessels, of all makes and designs, representing billions of cultures. These vehicles host myriad races both familiar to you and some so foreign as to be nearly unrecognizable from what you could understand as life. There are representatives of millions of cultures all intermingling and meeting. Exchanging goods and services, creatures of all kinds coming together and learning to coexist. Loving and killing. There are stories which would make you cry with their heartbreaking truth. Heros and monsters, super intelegent jellys and warlords bent on domination on some random arm of some random galaxy. These stories are sometimes about royalty or even slaves whose lot in life will only make them all the more generous when they suddenly become royalty. Sometimes these stories involve battles and destruction, conquest and suffering. But it is not just the beings that travel within these craft who weave these tales. Sometimes it is the ships themselves whose lives are worthy of mention.

Many of these tales are interesting, some harrowing, and others still which would enrapture any listener. Yet with all of that diversity and mystery none of these tales are of a friendship more profound or more powerful than that of a lone woman journeying across the universe in search of nothing more than a clear way, a dynamite lay, and a sweet payday. And an intergalactic ship she rescued from the event horizon of a black hole, who has pledged eternal friendship to this amazing and often imperiled young woman. He is a SSSurs Shipbuilderwerks: Space Transit Vehicle model 305, or S.T.V., but most beings just called them "Steves'". She is Eva, the Captian, partner and best friend of this extraordinary ship. Their journey is never-ending, for how could two best friends of such amazing caliber ever be separated? With an infinite universe at their fingertips and friendship as their guide they form more than just a team. Together they are...

...STEVA 3049!

NEXT EPISODE: New Years Day 3049! The escape from some casino planet's crooked underworld.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

FINALLY!!!!!!! Steva fiction daring enough to be set "outside the box" of the modern era. I love the idea of Steve being a ship-- I've oftened likened him in my poetry to a trustworthy old truck or a magnificent sailing vessel-- and I say you've found and excellent metaphor. And Eva as a space-ship commander is genius to an extreme I have rarely experienced outside of Rilke. I love where this is going and I cannot wait to enjoy the further adventures of Steva3039!!!

4:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hoo boy!

3:41 AM  

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